Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fall Fast, Fall Free, Fall With Me

Well,  I guess we all survived the Super moon with our sanity and our lives intact. Today my astronomy teacher and I giggled at the silliness of the entire situation. I think the astrology crowd so desperately wanted some sort of validation of their beliefs, even if it meant scaring the ill-informed youth of American (and I guess the rest of the world for that matter).  Cataclysmic catastrophes wreaking havoc across the globe as a result of a particularly bull/bright moon may seem far fetched but you'd be surprised how many people I spoke with who seemed genuinely alarmed. Maybe we're all just searching for a reason to live. A chance to do the things we normally to ashamed or shy to do.
I can't blame anyone for that.
And I shouldn't.

I feel like I've been a lot better about just trusting my instincts and going with my gut, this week. Sometimes you just have to go with what feels right and trust that at some point it will make sense.
Passive much?

Yesterday I ate burritos in Ocean Beach and slow danced in a laundromat and I have to say that it was  the happiest I've been in longer than I can remember.

I guess I just feel like I'm losing control, and it scares me.
This scares me, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Today is going to be another good day.
Today I'm letting go a little bit more and hope for the best.


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