Monday, February 21, 2011

I have nothing to say...

It is utterly preposterous to think that I could have anything valuable or mildly entertaining to provide to the cyber world, but I must admit that posting my thoughts or opinions on things via facebook or twitter makes me feel self richious and rather pointless. I will defend my reasoning for starting this blog strictly on the guidelines that I would like to keep some sort of record of my thoughts, life, opinions, feelings, grievances, etc...Just incase I get mauled by a bear or if my axons stop producing myelin, causing me to lose the ability to internally reflect on my memories and life events. Anyway, let us consider this my public forum where those who give two shits about what I have to say. Enjoy (Ha!)

Lets begin...

Three things I learned this weekend:
1. Do not go drinking at dive bars in downtown while in a bad mood
2. If you do end up drinking in dive bars downtown while in a bad mood, make sure your phone is off
3. If you end up drinking in dive bars in downtown while in a bad mood and your phone is ON don't channel your misguided rage/ insecurities onto those who are both undeserving and unaware of what is going on. 

I'm just....THE WORST.

I'm beginning to realize that my attempts to be a good person and help people are causing me to become more self destructive and resentful of the people who love me the most. 

On a lighter note..

My final conclusion of my first blog in recorded history:
British Garden Gnomes+William Shakespeare+Elton John Discography=Bad cinematic experience and the worst $18.00 I've ever spent. (I have bought some skanchy ass shit in my day)

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