Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thank You

Today I let you go
After months of arguing, making up, bickering, and lusting I closed the book on one of the great loves of my life so far.

Today my eyes overflowed with the frustration of failure
Today the adhesive that bonded you to my heart finally gave way...

You saw me for who I was.
You saw that beneath my outgoing and strong exterior there was a scared, fragile little girl, deprived of confidence and in desperate need of love.

You made me feel beautiful, and comfortable in my own skin.
You taught me that it was all right to be different and march to the beat of my own drum.

You showed me that after years of feeling inadequate and "less than" that I was indeed a strong person, deserving of something more.

I'll never forget your sad eyes, gentle hands, and ridiculous saunter.
...Your quiet confidence encapsulated within a shy, reclusive shell.

Every day with you was a gift
and every fight was a lesson
and for that, I have you say

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In the constant persuit

Every day, I wake up hoping that today will be the day that I find the point of it all.
Inspiration, Drive, Meaning, Tenacity...check.
One of these days it's all going to pay off
and if not, I'll die trying.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hope Gangloff Art

"Freelancer" 2011

"Warming Ms. Adams" 2011

"Lands End" 2011


if i thought i knew the reason
why i've gone and fallen
in love with you
you're the one thing i believe in
and i know quite well
what i've got to do
first you say it's ok
then you say there's no way
then i'm making love to you!
you're the one thing i believe in
and know it's time cause i've
got to tell you

Monday, September 12, 2011

Daily Inspiration

"Where there is age there is evolution, where there is life there is growth."
~Angelica Houston